Sunday, October 01, 2006

Who's got a Boehner?

Awful news about Representative Foley these past few days. At least the man passed legislation against himself? I guess that makes him better than Bush, who passed legislation to decriminalize his past criminal behavior! It is a funny ethical scale the have over there on the right.

The media seems obsessed with asking whether his Boehner was aware of what was going on. I don't understand this and I notice that they spell Boner different over there on the right. Well, Boner or Boehner, I think if he's asking young boys to undress I'm thinking his Boehner's quite aware of the situation...Oh wait, I guess they have some other guy named Boehner over there on the right, sorry about that. I'm thinking they better check his email if the man is walking around calling himself Boehner!

At least all of us who were confused about the Lewinsky thing now see what was so objectionable to the Republicans about that situation. She was over 18 and legally she could consent to sex. Apparently if Clinton had molested a child the Republican leadership would have happily kept it under wraps. Just another stupid Clinton mistake! I hope they pick that up on Faux News! This demands some coverage!

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