Friday, September 29, 2006

Mourn America

Mourn America
I know I'm piggybacking on Jesus' General two days in a row but stop by and pay your respects to a once great nation. But be careful what you say because the Unitary Executive now has the power to lock any of us up, any time, for anything (or for nothing). Remember the good old days when we used to complain about how awful it was that the USSR did this stuff and we used to look down on Pravda for being a "news" agency that just mouthed the words of the ruling party. I know many of the same patriots who deplored Pravda and the USSR, who now love Faux News and Bush. It really is amazing what a full circle we've traversed in my lifetime on this.
I, like many others, believed that we learned something from Viet Nam and from the authoritarian excesses of the Nixon administration and it is so sad to see that we learned absolutely nothing.
Can anyone think of a greater victory for Bin Laden than to watch us remake ourselves into the Soviet Union of the 50's/60's because we're so afraid of him that we can no longer think critically?

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