Friday, July 20, 2007

JetBlue, O'Reilly, and Dictionary Usage

Another day, another dumb blunder from Faux News and Bill-O. It would be hilarious entertainment if there wasn't the sad backdrop of realization that there are people in this country who take Bill-O seriously.

As many of you probably already know the man who would be McCarthy attacked DailyKos as a Hate Site, comparing them to Nazis for the contents of some unmoderated diaries on the site. We all know there is nothing more "hateful" to the progress of a good authoritarian state than free speech! One in particular was quite an egregious pronouncement of hate...someone called the pope a primate!

I emailed Billy to ask, since I'm sure he can use a dictionary and knows that a primate could be a mammal in the group that includes humans or the highest bishop in a church, whether it was the characterization of the pope as human or as the highest bishop in his church that Bill-O found hateful. I was hoping to be able to clarify for everyone just which usage he was objecting to but, alas, he hasn't responded. Still looking for his dictionary I presume. (Bill! It's over there under the loofah!)

I was even hoping that Bill would give me contact info for whatever group informs his views on the pope. He must either believe that the pope is to be thought if as a diety and not at all human (unless of course pope Naziburger is actually a robot, I didn't think of that until now! So that's where Hitler's Brain went!) or he must belong to a sect professing an alternative Catholic hierarchy and holding that someone other that the Bishop of Rome is the primate of the Catholic church. I thought I was going to be able to bring you a great report on whichever group Billy belonged to but no such luck.

Now in his show B-O had a staffer ambush the JetBlue CEO and challenge him about their donation of 10 tickets to the YearlyKos blogger convention. The JetBlue CEO handled things fairly well considering the circumstances. I wrote to JetBlue corporate communications and expressed my support and understanding that they had been ambushed by a horrible and dishonest "journalist" and they actually wrote back thanking me for seeing through the charade.

However, within 24 hours of being bombarded, I'm sure, by the utterly non-hateful B-O supporters JetBlue asked that their logo be removed from the YearlyKos ads/banners and issued a statement that voiced assent to the idea that Kos is a hateful site. Bad move.

I wrote back to JetBlue and expressed my disappointment. I summed up what I thought of the move and I offered them free access to use it in their ads if they wish to count on B-O's dwindling demographic for their business. But if you see it, you'll know this slogan is my baby!

JetBlue: If you're smart enough to define primate (or even to look it up), we'd prefer you use some other airline!